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Yep, that is pretty much how i look like as of this moment. It's only past 930 in the eve, and yet I am unusually sleepy already! I know my boyfriend,Josephwon't like hearing that. But hey.

The thing is, this pc of ours is already giving us signs that it either: a.)has finally decided to be forever bano and slow ; or b.)hates us because we didn't install a proper anti-virus software in it. So naturally what I did was to try to save everything that I can before it finally crashes [or, before the guy who's supposed to take a look at it tomorrow (but won't because we have to go somewhere else) would decide on upgrading it, whatever comes first].

And that's what I did last night. Thank goodness sa photobucket, although it wasn't that cooperative the first hour.

So there. I tried to be super saviour-like that I finally slept at three am,and that's because I've no more prepaid. But there. Now I'm sleepy, but I still am ganado enough to write some more.

belle, validus, sapiens

  • I'm yves
  • From Laguna, Philippines
  • a little girl in a sort of woman's body laughs like there's no tomorrow a contented rebel pop culture worshipper adores anything with cheese her life is a chick flick. genuine, passionate, deep. i am me.
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